Castres, 3-4 July 2017
The second Steering Committee meeting of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership eHealth Eurocampus took place in Castres on 3-4 July 2017. 16 participants from the 10 partner organisations met on the premises of the ISIS Engineering School of the Champollion University and at Castres-Mazamet Agglomeration Community.
The meeting enabled to clarify the management and justification rules of the Erasmus+ programme, to make a first evaluation of the Summer School which was still going on, to coordinate the production of teaching modules on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in eHealth”, “IT for a Longer Independent Life” and “eHealth Applications and Tools”, as well as to prepare the Training Seminar on eHealth Teaching Challenges that will take place in October in Montpellier. Participants took also part in some activities of the Castres-Mazamet Technopole eHealth Summer University and met the 42 students of the Erasmus+ Summer School.
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