Output 5: Graphics and medical imaging

This eModule aims at providing skills and knowledge on Medical Imaging and Digital Image Processing and its application in healthcare.The objective of this module is to cover the basic knowhow, and technologies involved in the development of virtual environments and serious games immersed with medical image and video content. Once the student has completed this module he/she will be able to analyse a problem in the medical domain, extract the needs and requirements and proceed with the design, development, and implementation of the virtual environment of serious game needed..

To download the module, please specify first whether you are a professor or a student. In the next step, please enter your full name, institution to which you are attached and your email address. After validating this information, we will send you a link that will allow you to download the file (.ZIP).

I am a professor or I am a student.

As an example, here is the manual and the first chapter of this module.

Manual Output 5

Output 5 – Chapter 1 (professor)

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